Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Woof II

2009 started off with a bang. Make that crash. Literally.

Eric was driving to work one morning and hydroplaned the CR-V into a utility pole about 200 ft away from the parking garage at his office. We were blessed that he was unhurt and there were no other cars involved. Unfortunately, the CR-V did not emerge from the incident unscathed.

We bought the CR-V in 2006 in LA from a man who lived in India six months of the year. Because of that, it only had 20k miles on it when we bought it even though it was 4 yrs old. We named it The Woof as Eric was working his dog walking business and transported so many dogs back and forth. He had a sticker on the back window from planetdog.com that says "Woof."

We loved that car. It brought us all the way to Nashville packed to the hilt with many of our worldly possessions, and Scrappy and Eliza of course!

Unfortunately, the damage was too extensive for the insurance company, and we were advised last week that the Woof was totaled.

The pole, however, still stands tall!

We started looking online for a new car last week, and found some great possibilities on craigslist. So on Saturday we drove down to Murfreesboro and purchased the replacement vehicle!

Here are pics of The Woof II! It is a 2005 CR-V and only has 40k on it and is in perfect condition. We love the CR-V! We did take a test drive of a 2007 which was the first model year of the latest redesign. However, we do not like the redesign nearly as much as there is less room in the back and the back windows are a lot smaller. Other than the black interior, which was not Eric's preference, we are very pleased with the car and the price we negotiated. We intend to enjoy The Woof II for years and another 200k miles, bless Honda!

This post courtesy of AAA (our awesome insurance company that gave us full blue book value on The Woof), Metro Nashville Police Department (that didn't issue us a citation for damage to a city light pole), and the folks at Reddell Honda.


Suzanne said...
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Tara Heiner Blog said...

I like the new Woof! I'm glad that Eric wasn't hurt in the crash. And nice to see you guys blogging. Take care and talk soon!

Suzanne said...

Hopefully, the rest of 2009 will be impactful, but in a less crashy-y way!

Tami said...

Yeah! I'm so happy that you blogging. Hope to hear more from you soon.