Christmas came and went faster than ever this year. By far the greatest gift I received actually came the weekend before Christmas when Alise flew out from Fort Worth, TX to visit for four days. I had not seen her in 5 years, although we have always kept in touch via phone every few weeks and email. Needless to say, it was totally awesome to be able to see her again and spend time with her like the old days when we were single and fancy free!
Alise is one of my two oldest and dearest best friends. Alise, Tami and I were all floor mates in Budge Hall at BYU during our freshman year. Alise lived down the hall about five rooms and Tami lived right next door. So I have known Alise and Tami since August 1992. That is 17 years now!
Alise and I lived together in an off campus apartment in Provo our sophomore year and then she moved to LA after she graduated from BYU (I think that was 1999) and slept on a futon mattress on my floor for a few months before she got her own apartment a mile or so away. We went to the LA 1st singles ward then. Alise met Rick in the singles ward and got married in 2001. Eric and I met and got married in 2003 so we were in the same ward again for a few months right before Alise and Rick moved to Indiana for grad school. We haven't lived near each other since we were in both in LA. Both Alise and I miss LA -- while our respective spouses can't stand it!
I think that Alise is probably the one person who knows me and understands me the best aside from my husband. She has been there for it all, the great times, the good times, the sad times, the bad times, and the stupid times. She has seen me at my best and my worst. I will always be indebted to Alise for her unfailing support, wisdom, insight, patience, loyalty and compassion that are the qualities of true friendship. I owe her so much.
We had the greatest time during her visit. She was on her first "girls only" vacation in years as she got to leave her two daughters at home with Rick! We went out to eat at great restaurants for Indian and Italian cuisine, we went to see The Nutcracker ballet. We got massages, and went shopping! We went to Trader Joes and enjoyed the memories of LA. We had awesome pancakes and french toast at Pancake Pantry. We also got to do a session at the Nashville Temple. We got to talk and talk and talk. I wish she could have stayed for a month! I also think that next time we must try to take more pictures when we are dressed up and not wearing sweats.
We have vowed not to let 5 years pass before we see each other again. I think we are going to try to see each other in 2010 and try to make it an annual event. In the meantime we have the phone, Facebook and email.
I need to get out to Utah to see Tami next... I think it's been 4 years?